Hearing Voices Network Pages:
Hearing Voices Network USA – Founded in 2010, the Hearing Voices Network USA represents a partnership between individuals who hear voices or have other extreme or unusual experiences, professionals and allies in the community, all of whom are working together to change the assumptions made about these phenomenon and create supports, learning and healing opportunities for people across the country.
Intervoice – Intervoice is the International Network for Training, Education and Research into Hearing Voices. The network focuses on facilitating relevant assistance and solutions that improve the life of voice hearers in the knowledge that these methods have been co-developed by voice hearers and professionals.
Bay Area Hearing Voices Network – The Bay Area Hearing Voices Network, a 501(c)(3) organization, is a partnership between individuals who hear voices, see or sense things others don’t, or have other extreme or unusual experiences and beliefs, professionals, allies in the community, and family members.
Collaborators in New York City:
Community Access – Community Access was founded in 1974 as a proactive and bold response to the mass release of patients from New York’s psychiatric hospitals. Community Access has since expanded beyond housing to also offer comprehensive support services, job training, counseling, education and advocacy programs to meet the needs of individuals who include people living with HIV/AIDS, veterans, those with histories of substance abuse, and the formerly incarcerated.
Icarus Project – The Icarus Project is a support network and media project by and for people who experience the world in ways that are often diagnosed as mental illness.
International Society for Psychological & Social Approaches to Psychosis (ISPS-US) – ISPS, the International Society for Psychological and Social Approaches to Psychosis, promotes dialogue and multidisciplinary interaction, enriching our knowledge of the psychological and experiential aspects of psychosis.
Institute for the Development of Human Arts – IDHA is an emerging cooperative of mental health workers, clinicians, psychiatrists, current and prior users of mental health services, advocates, artists, and survivors of trauma and adversity, who are interested in exploring the link between personal and societal transformation.