Listening to Schreber’s Voices: Call for Participants

Listening to Schreber’s Voices is a three hour event of readings and performances inspired by Daniel Paul Schreber’s Memoirs of My Nervous Illness. It is co-sponsored by Das Unbehagen, Hearing Voices Network NYC, and ISPS-US.  In keeping with the theme of the text (a memoir and judiciary document to support his freedom from the asylum), the event will take place at the Jefferson Market Library, a library with a storied history of also serving as a court house in the 1800s.

Our plan is to solicit different projects based on Schreber’s text and related themes (psychiatric freedom, spirituality, hearing voices, mad pride, psychoanalysis, etc.), including essays, music, dance and straight readings of the Schreber text.  We will have three hours and use of the entire large castle of a library.  Viewers will freely go from room to room to encounter ongoing events as they wish during the three hours of the event.

To date we have about ten wonderful submissions.  As we move to finalize the project, this is a last call to submit your own proposal.  Note that projects will be of varying length as well.  The format of the evening allows for brief performances, visual art, or readings.


PLEASE NOTE THAT YOU MAY OFFER SOMETHING OF ANY LENGTH.  You may read the Schreber text or write an essay or offer an artistic intervention of any kind.

In order to streamline our process, use the following (super brief) form to submit information about your proposal.  Click the link and it will be sent back to us when you are done.  This will help us greatly to program the various events in various rooms. Spread the word!

When: May 20th 2017, 6-9pm

Where: Jefferson Market Library

425 Ave of the Americas at 10th Street

New York City